The flat round teapot in rich brwon terra cotta clayis in the naturalistic theme of plum or prunus blossoms and pine tree with pine needles. It has a three dimensional quality where the tree branches, pine needles and blossoms are applied to the surfaces. On the round cover is a bent tree branch to form a knob. Clumps of pine needles on the end of branches grew out sideways from the of the tree branch knob. The same goes for the handle, also in the form of a bent tree branch with side branches coming out of both sides and covered with clumps of pine needles. A small branch of plum or prunus blossom is applied on one side. The spout has a blossom on one side and on the top is indentation that resembles the knots that form on trees. A stamped seal "Pengnian" is under the lid, and an unknown shop seal is stamped on the bottom of the pot. Inside the teapot is five small spout holes. The name "Pengnian" is well known among collectors of Yixing wares and it belonged to the famous Yang Pengnian potter of the 19 century. This potter "Pengnian" is not the famous potter, but a different person who worked in the early part of the 20 century. His works are recorded.
Date: early 20 century, circa 1920's
Dimensions: 7.25 inches long, 5 inches in diameter, and 4.5 inches high.
Shipping: This will be shipped insured for full value via USPS Priority Mail. Cost to be determined.