Until the 1980's, Chinese craftsmen are followers of tradition. So it is quite rare to see something creative but still has traditional roots. This statement needs an explanation of the painting style of the late Ming Dynasty at the turn of the 17 century. A group of scholar/painters appropriately named as Eccentric Painters broke away from tradition and painted in a stylized manner. These two designs are reminiscent of this particular stylized manner of rendering trees. This is more evident in the bamboo panel. The way the bamboo trees and leaves were done brings to the trees from the bamboo grove are generally swaying in the breeze. The carving were done in layers and it is almost three dimensional. The pine panel are of branches full of leaves and birds resting under the branches and near the tree trunks. The light color frames are recent editions. Provenance: Shanxi Province, North Central China Date: Late Qing Dynasty circa 1880's to 1900's, framing is vintage Dimensions: 20 inches wide, 35.5 inches high, 1.5 inches thick (each panel)