This oversize opaline or milk glass bottle is extremely well made. The red overlay is this=ck and well carved. Its flattened round form is a good background for the design composing of a swimming fish reaching to bite a lotus stem among sea weeds. The fish is a symbol of plenty. The word fish sounds the same as remaining, it means there is plenty and never running out so it is adopted as an auspicious symbol of good luck, good health, happiness, everything one must have to guarantee a happy life.
The larger snuff bottle is usually used on the table from which snuff was stored. Snuff was never used alone, the snuff user usually combined it with aromatic spices like cinnamon.
The good quality workmanship indicates an older age, most probably in the early 20th century. Another fact to support this is the same identical design on both sides, as well as the same design on the right and left sides.
Dating: !900's to 1930's
Dimensions: 3.2 inches wide x 0.9 inches deep x 4.3 inches high
Condition: It is an older bottle and has been handled. There is a line on the bottle cap but it does not diminish the look.t The bottle is in good shape, without chip or cracks.